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Infrasoft announces immediate availability of bomBora,
a deep port of Node.js to NonStop X

Sydney, 12th August, 2015 - Infrasoft Pty Limited, a Sydney-based software company, is pleased to announce the immediate availability of its latest addition to its product portfolio, bomBora. Following an extensive development project, Infrasoft has completed a deep port of Node.js to the HP NonStop operating system, NonStop OS L-series, running on the HP NonStop X system - the NonStop X is the most recent addition to the HP NonStop family of systems and is based on the Intel x86 architecture.

Infrasoft's bomBora extends and enhances the Node.js platform by enabling JavaScript applications that run on any other platform supporting Node.js to now run on HP NonStop systems, but with the additional characteristics of fault tolerance and unparalleled scalability inherent to the HP NonStop system, without any changes required to those JavaScript applications. In addition, bomBora enhances Node.js by providing simple integration with HP NonStop subsystems relied on by mission-critical applications and will provide APIs to access existing enterprise applications using IBM's CICS and IMS software and HP's TS/MP software.

"Our intention in providing a deep port of Node.js to NonStop was to tap into the growing pool of expertise engaged in developing applications using Server Side JavaScript (SSJS)," said Infrasoft Managing Director Peter Shell. "We are anticipating considerable interest among solutions and middleware vendors as well as end users - any company today running NonStop and looking to port a modern application to NonStop no longer faces hurdles in the way of them exploiting the fault tolerant attributes that differentiate today's NonStop X systems from any other system. Likewise, any company today running, or considering running Node.js applications, can now use HP NonStop systems so as to improve the reliability and scalability of their applications".

Node.js enables JavaScript to be executed on the server. It is built around Google's V8 JavaScript engine, and promotes building applications using an event-driven, non-blocking I/O architecture. As a result, Node.js is rapidly becoming the runtime platform of choice for high-performance, scalable applications. As for programmer acceptance, this has been well documented even as JavaScript dominates the Internet. One example, in the popular press that appeared in the April 29, 2015, article in InfoWorld, JavaScript and Node.js will change corporate technology like Java did, according to a Forrester report acknowledging that, "JavaScript in general and the server-side Node.js runtime environment in particular are setting the stage for 'the biggest shift in enterprise development in more than a decade,' contends a report by Forrester Research." Furthermore, reports InfoWorld, "JavaScript is addressing the scalability challenge, changing enterprise architectures and programming models, and Forrester advises becoming familiar with Node.js."

Infrasoft Pty Limited specialises in the creation of middleware software focused on communications, networking and development productivity. bomBora is another product to leverage the internal framework developed by Infrasoft and joins the widely-deployed uLinga products. By taking advantage of a well-proven framework not only was the time to port significantly reduced but bomBora was able to capitalize on numerous features all NonStop X users are familiar with and that are pre-requisite to support mission-critical applications.

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